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Strange and Amazing Animals of the Amazon Rainforest

Amazon Rainforest is one of the largest rainforest and river system in the world.
Amazon Rainforest cover about  6% of the Earth's surface, but they are home to more than half the world's total plants and animals.
So, mainly Amazon rainforest are famous for it's biodiversity. It is the most biologically diverse place on the Earth.

The Amazon Rainforest is home to -
427 species of mammals 
1,300  species of birds
378 species of reptiles, and more than 400 species of amphibians.

Here are some interesting and amazing list of animals, that are found in the Amazon Rainforest:-

1.Potoo:- potoos are a group of birds related to nightjars and frogmouth, and are found throughout the Amazon Rainforest.

.                           (Potoo)

Masters of disguise, they are nocturnal creature that spend the days motionless, with eyes half open, perched upon the stumps of broken branches.
Their camouflage is extremely effective, especially when combined with their lifeless pose.

2. Glass Frog :- Generally green in colour, what makes them so intriguing is that their internal organs are visible throughout the translucent skin on the underside of their body.

.                        (Glass Frog)
Which takes on the hue of the frog's surrounding, thus it's difficult to see them by the predators.
They have been known to eat their Young.

3. Jesus Lizard:- Or common basilisk , has the incredible ability to being able to run on water, hence it's name.
They are found throughout the Amazon Rainforest.

.                         (Jesus Lizard)

4. Bull Shark:- They are able to adopt either fresh or salt water environment, and could spend a lifetime in a river system.any experts have labelled, bull shark the most dangerous shark in the world.

                        (Bull Shark)

5. Decoy building Spider:- This spider  is incredibly small, around 5 mm in length, but assembles a much larger decoy spider in its web, complete with multiple legs, from dead leaves and debris.

.               (Decoy building Spider)

6. Capybara:- are the largest rodents in the world, they are very social animals and can be found in groups of 100.
As herbivores, they pose no danger to human.

.                         (Capybara)

7.Arapaima:- Largest fresh water fish.
As well as having gills, it need to surface every 5-15 Min to breathe air and modified swim bladder.
It's bony scales as nail files, and the tongue is thought to have medicinal qualities.

.                           (Arapaima)

8. Electric Eel:- They are actually more closely related to catfish, than they are Eel.
They are able to produce powerful electric shocks of uptown 600 volts, as a defence mechanism , and for hunting.
Known for their unusual breeding behaviour.
Male construct a nest from its saliva into which the female lays eggs 

.                           (Electric Eel)

9.Pink Dolphin:- The Amazon River dolphin or Boto can grow larger than a human .
This dolphin's pink colour due to blood capillaries near the surface of the skin.

.                        (Pink Dolphin)

10. Giant Snake:- The biggest snake in the world is Green Anaconda, which lives in the Amazon's swamps and streams.
They catch wild pigs, birds and jaguars squeeze them untill they suffocate and swallow their prey whole.

.        (Giant Snake: Green Anaconda)

11. Silkhenge:- Weird wildlife in the Amazon isn't always huge.
The tiny spider occupants of a curious silk structure resembling a miniature Stonehenge.

.               (Tiny spider: Silkhenge)

12. Piranhas:- Found in lakes and rivers throughout the Amazon , are not man-eaters.
It's extremely rare for these sharp teeth creature to go after humans.

.                         (Piranhas)

13. Tarantulas:- These scary looking spider may seem like their poison can take down a human, but the reality is a bite from one is not all that different than a bee sting.
Tarantulas use their legs to hold down their target then they inject it with paralyzing venom.

.                       (Tarantula)

14. Boa Constrictors:- They wrap their body around their target so the victim's lungs can't expand and the prey suffocate.
They usually hide in the trees of the Amazon , where they hunt rodents, birds, lizards, frogs and monkeys.

.                   (Boa Constrictors)

15. Poison dart Frog:-  Most of the animals Camouflage themselves to blend into their surroundings, but poison dart frog is brightly coloured to warn off would be predators.
But don't be fooled by its beauty their skin secrets a poison that can paralyze and kill its prey.

.                (Poison dart frog)

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