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Do you want to know some mind-blowing facts about the planet Earth?

Earth, our home, is the 3rd planet from the Sun.

  • It's the only planet known to have an atmosphere containing free O2, that is life air, ocean of water on its surface and of course, life.
  • Earth is the 5th largest planet in solar system.
  • About 74% of the Earth's surface is covered by liquid or frozen water , because of this, people call it "Blue Planet" .
  • Because of it's water, Earth is the home to millions of plants and animals species.
  • Early cyanobacteria changed the air and gave it oxygen.
  • The living part of Earth is called "Biosphere".

So let's have a look some interesting and mind-blowing facts about the planet Earth which will stunned you!!!

1. Earth is not flat, but it's not perfectly round either.

  • The Earth's rotation creates an outward force that is highest at the equator and zero at the poles.
  • This force results in the Earth being "Squashed" into a slightly flattened sphere.
  • This effect is quite small the amount of flattening is only 0.3%.

2. Gravity doesn't act the same every where on Earth.

  •  Because Earth is  always  moving, gravity is not same all over and you would weigh slightly  more at Earth's poles than at  the  equator .
  • There are also places where gravity is extremely different, such as " Hudson Bay in Canada ".

3. The driest place on Earth is in Antarctica and hasn't experienced rain in 2 million years.

  • Antarctica appropriately named  "Dry Valleys".
  • There are bodies of water but there is relatively no ice or snow.
  • Lack of rain for 2 million years means there is a zero net gain of water in the area.

4. One million billion cubic feet of snow falls from the sky each year.

Scientists estimate one million billion cubic feet of snow falls from the sky every year.

5. The planet is recycled

The ground you are walking on is recycled.
Earth's rock cycle transform igneous rocks to sedimentary rocks to metamorphic rocks and back again.

6. Our Moon quakes.

  • Earth's Moon looks rather dead and inactive.
  • But in fact , Moon quakes or Earth quakes on Moon, keep things just a bit shook up.
  • Moon quakes seems to be related to tidal stress associated with the varying distance between Earth and Moon.

7. Anciant Microbs , The Earth may have once been Purple.

  • When viewed from the space, Earth appears blue (water) and bot green (land with plants).
  • The ancient Microbs , that obtained energy from Sun using ratinal rather than chlorophyll (green pigment).
  • Since ratinal absorbs the green light and reflect the back violet and red light, the combination would have given the planet a Purple tint.

8. The World's Largest Mountain Chain is 40,389 miles long and is located under water.

  • 90% of it is covered by ocean water called the Mid Ocean Ridge.
  • It's mountain average a depth of 8200 feet below the water's surface.
  • In comparison, the longest chain of mountain on land is South America's Andes, which is a paltry 4350 miles long.

9. More than half the free wateron Earth is contained in the Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest body of water on the Earth and contains half of the non frozen water in the world.

10.  A single Glacier is responsible for contributing 10% of all Earth's melt water.

  • Icecaps and glaciers contain most of the world's fresh water.
  • And they melt due to climate change, the sea level is rising.
  • The Canadian Arctic Glacier is the size of Newyork.

11. Antarctica contains 90% of the world's ice 70% of it's fresh water.

  • This ice measures almost 15,748 feet thick in some places .
  • So, if Antarctica were over to melt, the world's oceans would rise about 187 feet.

12. The Great Barrier Reef is Earth's Largest Living structure.

  • Located off the coast of Queensland, Australia.
  • Great Barrier Reef measures about 1430 miles long and is big  enough to be visible from the space.

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