Doctors generally suggest a combination of antibiotics, antacid and multivitamins for common bacterial infections.
antibiotics can only treat bacterial infection.
This include strep throat and urinary infections ,ear infection, sinus,cough,cold etc.
we rely on antibiotics to treat serious life threatening conditions,the body's extreme response to an infection.
Effective antibiotics are also needed for people who are at high risk for developing infections.
How do you know when you need antibiotics:-
When you caught by certain infections some times they are bacterial or sometimes by weather change.
- colds and flu : viral infection
- cough or bronchitis: viral infection
- sore throat : mostly viral infection
- ear infection
- sinus infection
Antibodies can only treat bacterial infections:-
Do you know that its a very interesting fact that antibiotics can only treat bacterial infections like strep throat, urinary infection.Antibiotics will not treat viruses . This includes cold, flu or mononucleosis.
Here a question will pop up in your mind that-
Can one antibiotic treat multiple bacterial infections?
You have most likely taken an antibiotic or anti-infection at least once in your lifetime.
Antibiotics are specific for the type of bacteria, in general, can not be interchanged from one infection to another.
When antibiotics are used correctly, they are safe with few side-effects.
So dear friends understanding the huge world of antibiotics is not an easy task.
Why don't antibiotics kill viruses?
You may be told you cannot use an antibiotic for a viral infection because antibiotics are ineffective and may lead to "antibiotic resistance".
So here is a question why don't antibiotics kill viral infections and how can over use of an antibiotic lead to "antibiotic resistance"?
- Antibiotics cannot kill virus because viruses have different structures and replicate in a different way than bacteria.
- Antibiotics work by targeting the growth machinery in bacteria (not viruses)to kill or inhibit those particular bacteria .
- When you think about it structurally, it makes sense that an antibiotic could not work to kill virus with a completely different set of replicating "machinery".
Infection caused by viruses:-
- sore throats
- Most coughs, colds ,runny noses
- acute sinusitis
- acute bronchitis
- some eye or ear infections
- Respiratory syncytial virus(RSV)
- Flu (influenza)
However, this can take time, a cough and cold can take from 7-10 days and the flu might keep you down for 2 weeks and more.
- In some viral infection , such as the flu, chicken pox (varicella), your doctor prescribe an antiviral drug to shorten your infection and to help prevent complications.
- In complicated or prolonged viral infections, bacteria may invade as well and cause what is known as a "secondary bacteria infection", in these case your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic.
- Viruses are structurally different from bacteria:-
Viruses live and replicate inside of a human cell, they cannot live outside of this environment.
- Antibiotics cannot kill viruses because bacteria and virus es have different mechanism and machinery to survive and replicate . The antibiotics has no "target" to attack in a virus.
- But antiviral medicine and vaccines are specific for viruses. Vaccine stimulate your own immune system to produce antibiotics, which then can "recognise" the virus to inactivate it before it can cause disease.
- The best way to prevent the flu, shingles and chicken pox is with a "Vaccine".
Common illness caused by bacteria:-
- Some ear or eye infections
- Many skin infections
- Bacterial pneumonia
- Some sinus infections, but usually these are viral
- Urinary tract infections (UTI)
- Tuberculosis
- Bacterial meningitis
Why Doctors prescribe antacid and multi-vitamin with antibiotics:-
- The main reason behind this is that oral administration of antibiotics affects not only the disease causing micro-organisms, but also increases the acidity of the stomach.
- Causes disruption of intestine flora and suppresses the B- complex vitamin synthesising bacteria present in the mucosa of stomach and intestine.
- The decreases in pH of stomach leads ti indigestion which is the primary cause of ulcers. To stabilise the pH of stomach, an antacid is given along with the antibiotics.
Targets of Antibiotics:-
Antibiotics targets the bacterial cell wall, cell membrane or interfere with essential bacterial enzymes and lead to adverse effects that range from mild to very serious depending on the antibiotics used.
- Antibiotics directly affect the digestive tract by decreasing the pH of stomach that leads upset digestion.
- Antacids are used to neutralise the extra produced in the stomach . Antacids and acid reducers can relieve pain or uncomfortable feeling in the stomach.
- For treatment of peptic ulcers, antacids may be used together with antibiotics.
- Antacids do a neutralisation reaction by increasing the pH to reduce the acidity of the stomach and digestive upset.
- Multivitamin tablets are intended to supplement a diet with nutritional elements. Multivitamins are valuable tool to correct dietary imbalance and reduce vitamin deficiency.
- Antibiotics are drugs that kill bacteria germs and can only treat sickness that is caused by bacteria. If you take an antibiotic when you don't need it...for example when you have cold or the flu , it can make you feel worse and make your illness last longer.
- So when you prescribed an antibiotic, ask "Do I really need this?" Most Doctors Will be Happy to explain why an antibiotic is necessary for your illness.
Antibiotics are not evil,we should not fear them .But we should not take them without any reason , we do need to use them responsibly.
What do you think after reading this article according to your body? Write in the comment section.
Q: Can your body fight infection without antibiotics?
Q: Can an infection come back after antibiotics?
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