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Why is the sky blue ? Why is the ocean blue? Why does it seem like blue is the nature's favourite colour?

Some people think the sky in blue because of sunlight reflected off the ocean and back into the sky. But the sky is blue even in the middle of the country side nowhere near the sea! Other's think it's because of the water in our atmosphere . But the sky is blue in the places that are extremely dry like desert. Some say it's because of oxygen is blue coloured gas . Or because sunlight has a blue tint. So there are so many incorrect answers or you can say misconceptions are there-- What's the actual reason? The sky is blue because of the way sunlight interact with our atmosphere. There are 3 simple factors put together :- 1. Sunlight is made out of light of different colours/ wavelengths. 2. The Earth's atmosphere is made out of molecules that scatter different wavelengths light. 3. The sensitivity of our eyes. How these 3 factors all works together? If sunlight passes through a transparent material such as water ,glass th
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