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Showing posts from April, 2020

"Our mother nature is full of miracles" Do you know these natural but awesome rare phenomenon on Earth?

"Mother Nature is full of Miracles" Who doesn't like the serenity of the Earth? We know that our Mother Nature is most beautiful and weird at the same time. Some wonderful natural phenomenon we have often seen on the Earth like Rainbow, Snowfall, Thunder etc. But some most rare phenomenon also there in nature that you wouldn't believe that they are really exist. So here we take a look some rare natural phenomenon, which will leave you awestruck and stunned. 1. Blue Volcano:- (Kawah, Ijen, Indonesia) The reason behind the Blue Flame is the presence of extremely high sulphuric gases that combust with the O2 in air at temperature above 360 degree Celsius. These Sulphuric gases emerge from cracks in the volcano at high temperature and pressure. 2. Turquoise Ice :- (Lake, Baikal, Russia) It is oldest and deepest lake in the world. It is also the world's largest fresh water lake , accounting for about 20

"Amazon fire is such a terrific scene that we couldn't ever imagine", Do you know why Amazon rainforests are burning??

"Amazon Rainforest fire is such a terrific scene", as we have never seen before, which start in 2019. As we know that Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world and also it's a huge biologically diverse place on the Earth. About Amazon Rainforest The Amazon Rainforest is the home to 40% of the world's tropical forest and holds 20% of world's fresh water supply. It is also home to 10% of the world's species and 40,000 plant species and around 3000 varities of edible fruits, 430 species of mammals and millions of insects.   What is the reason of burning of the Amazon Rainforest? Though forest fires are common in the Amazon Rainforest during this period as it is a dry season in the Southern Amazon , the year 2019. According to the environmentalists, 99% of the forest fires are result of human activities either on purpose or by accident. Farmers and ranchers use fire generally to clean the land for

Wonderful and Weirdest plants in Amazon rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is largest tropical forest in the world, containing some of the most biodiverse plant species. The Amazon rainforest is home to as many as 80,000 plants species from which more than 40,000 species play a critical role in regulating global climate and water cycle. Here is the list of some of the most wonderful and amazing plants of Amazon rainforest. 1 . Giant Water Lilies (Victoria amazonica):- These impressive Water Lilies have been seen in an Amazon River. It's very large leaf surface,can grow up to 46cm. In diameter . The leaves of this plant are so strong, they can support upto  136 kg . 2. Passion Fruit Flower (Passiflora) :- It's a   beautiful passion flower which is often seen in the Amazon rainforest. The leaves of the flowers are used as pain reliever and sedatives, and fruit is used to treat cough. 3. Monkey Brush Vine :- The interior part of Amazon rainforest co

Strange and Amazing Animals of the Amazon Rainforest

Amazon Rainforest is one of the largest rainforest and river system in the world. Amazon Rainforest cover about  6% of the Earth's surface, but they are home to more than half the world's total plants and animals. So, mainly Amazon rainforest are famous for it's biodiversity. It is the most biologically diverse place on the Earth. The Amazon Rainforest   is home to  - 427 species of  mammals  1,300   species of  birds 378  species  of reptiles, and more than 400  species  of amphibians. Here are some interesting and amazing list of animals, that are found in the Amazon Rainforest:- 1 . Potoo: - potoos are a group of birds related to nightjars and frogmouth, and are found throughout the Amazon Rainforest . .                            (Potoo) Masters of disguise, they are nocturnal creature that spend the days motionless, with eyes half open,  perched upon the stumps of broken branches. Their camouflage is extremely effective,

Do you want to know some interesting facts about Amazon?

The Amazon Rainforest covering much of North Western Brazil and extending into Columbia, Peru and other South American countries, is the world's largest tropical rainforest , famed for it's biodiversity. Supporting a huge number of plants and animals and hugely important to our own survival. What's interesting about Amazon Rainforest:-   AmazonTropical Rainforest only cover about 6% of the Earth's surface , but they are home to more than half the world's total plants and animals. Around 80% of the food we eat originally came from rainforests like coffee, chocolate, rice, tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, black pepper, pine apples and corn etc. The Amazon forest floor is almost completely dark with the less than 1% of the available sunlight making it through the tree canopy above. There are around 3000 fruits found in rainforest and in the west we make use of around 200 of them. However indigenous tribes make use of over 2000. We often thin

"The Earth is glowing and healing". Do you think that the Corona virus tragedy is boon to our mother nature?

Wow....the Earth is healing & glowing due to the lockdown, it's a good news to us and our nature too.  One side the world is fighting with the Corona virus tragedy, janta curfew or lockdown while other hand our mother nature is healing herself, less amount of pollution recorded in many top polluted cities due to less human activities. " When we heal Earth , we heal ourselves". Wuhan in China:- In China , where the first cases of Corona virus were detected ,a large decline in pollution and green house gases have now recorded. The level of atmospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) first in Wuhan reduced then across the country. This is proof that if we want, the human race can work together towards a sustainable future. Satalite image have shown a dramatic decline in pollution level over China , which is due to an economic slow down prompted by the Corona virus, US space agency NASA says. " You carry mother Earth wi