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Showing posts from March, 2020

Is Corona virus a Biological Weapon? What is biological weapon? Do you want to know about biological weapon?

Corona virus Disease, that manifests in flu like symptoms, was first reported in Wuhan last December.  It has since reportedly spread to over 1000 countries and infected over 1 lakh people, including the British and Iranian health ministers. Corona virus now officially labelled as a pandemic. What is Biological Weapon? Biological Weapon, which are banned world wide by a multilateral framework signed under the auspices of the United Nations, are biological agents like bacteria that have been weaponised for use against and adversary. The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), is located in the same city as the wet market (where animals are sold for meat, as apposed to a dry market that sells durable goods like electronics or clothes )that is considered to be the origin of the virus. How biological weapons work? A biological agents also called bio- agents, biological threat agents, biological warfare agents, biological weapon or bio- weapon, is a ba

One man died in China due to Hanta virus .What is Hanta virus ? Do you want to know about Hanta virus disease?

The news about Hanta virus   comes at a time when scientist and medical experts are already racing against time to find a cure for pandemic COVID-19. Infection with Hanta virus disease such as :- Hanta virus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) & Hemorrhagic Fever with  renal Syndrome (HFRS). Hanta virus divided into 2 groups:- New world - Hanta virus in Americas Old world - Hanta virus in Europe and Asia. Hanta virus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS ) is caused by  a virus found in some rodents , primarily deer mice. A person may become infected with the virus through direct or indirect contact with the saliva, urine or droppings of an infected rodents.   Infection may result in severe respiratory distress and hypotension.   The causes  of disease was quickly identified as a novel member of the family of Hanta viruses originally named for the river ( Hantaan ) in South Korea where the prototype was discovered. The Hantaan serotype viruses cause severe Hemorrhagic

How to protect yourself and prepare for corona virus?

"How to protect yourself and prepare for the Corona virus" it's very important to come to know as Corona virus labelled a pandemic by WHO ,  is considered one of the deadliest and scariest things to have happened to the world after World War-2.           Thousands have died till date and Even the biggest of the medical experts have found themselves helpless in finding a vaccine for this disease.             No one could have stopped this and today people are going for self quarantine, professing social distancing and much more to ensure they are safe. How Corona virus infect the human being? Common signs of infection include:- Respiratory symptoms Fever Cough Shortness of breath Breathing difficulty In more severe case :- Infection can cause pneumonia Severe acute respiratory syndrome Kidney failure and even death Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread:- Include regular hand was

How serious is the 2019- 20 Corona virus?

How Corona virus spreading all over the world so fast? COVID-19, the disease caused by the new Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2), continues to spread around the world. According to the WHO , globally there have been almost 1,80,000 confirmed cases of people sickened by COVID-19 and close to 7,500 people have died from the disease- a death severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic that occurred in 2002 and 2003. Officials everywhere have implemented measures to contain the virus, including cancellation, closers, travel restrictions and quarantines. Is COVID-19 a pandemic? The WHO World health organization has officially called the disease a pandemic- a disease outbreak occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting and exceptionally high proportion of the population. The United States has declared the pandemic a national emergency, and States throughout the country are taking major measures to slow the spread of the disease. There

What is the big deal about the new corona virus?,What is COVID-2019-20?

What is Corona virus? Corona viruses  are a family of viruses known for containing strains that cause potentially deadly diseases in mammals and birds. In humans they're typically spread via airborne droplets of fluid produced by infected individuals. Some rare but notable strains, including SARS-CoV-2 (responsible for COVID-19), and those responsible for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), can cause death in humans. This new corona virus has caused a global health emergency, sickening almost 100,000 people worldwide, and so far killing more than 3,000.  There are four known genuses in the family, named  Alpha corona virus ,   Beta corona virus ,  Gamma corona virus , and  Delta corona virus . The first two only infect mammals, including bats, pigs, cats, and humans.  Gamma corona virus   mostly infects birds such as poultry, while  Delta corona virus  can infect both birds and mammals. How does it s

Why Doctors prescribe "Antibiotics"for general bacterial infections?

                                    Doctors generally suggest a combination of antibiotics, antacid and multivitamins for common bacterial infections. antibiotics can only treat bacterial infection. This include strep throat and urinary infections ,ear infection, sinus,cough,cold etc. we rely on antibiotics to treat serious life threatening conditions,the body's extreme response to an infection. Effective antibiotics are also needed for people who are at high risk for developing infections. How do you know when you need antibiotics:- When you caught by certain infections some times they are bacterial or sometimes by weather change. colds and flu : viral infection cough or bronchitis: viral infection sore throat : mostly viral infection ear infection sinus infection Antibodies can only treat bacterial infections:- Do you know that its a very interesting fact that antibiotics can only treat bacterial infections like strep throat, urinary infection. Antibiotic